I Left My Heart In NYC

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Mmmmhmmmm yes, there have been quite a few blog posts and references to New York round here lately haven't there. Sorry about that. I'm not quite done yet but soon I promise it'll be out of my system.

I just wanted to share with you some of my favourite snaps that I shared on my instagram and just say a little bit about each of them. If you already follow me on all the social mediiiaaass then this might not be the post for you. 

Top Row. Left to Right. 

Heeyyyooooooo unicorn shaped biscuit on a lollipop stick. Yep, I was so game for these, I had about 4. 

The outfit I wore to Brandcast which was hosted at Madison Square Gardens. The dress was from ASOS two years ago, denim jacket from Primark, sparkle shoes a recent purchase from Dune and little black bag from H&M. What can I say, I'm a high street gal. 

Just a casual view of New York and the Statue of Liberty from a helicopter. No big deal. 

A highlight- watching Bruno Mars and Mark Ronson perform Uptown Funk at Brandcast. In that moment, I was so happy that if I had burst, confetti would have come out. 

Aviator shades (a recent H&M buy) in a helicopter. It was the best. 

Second Row. Left to Right. 

On the third morning, in a moment of bravery, I left my hotel all on my own and took myself on a little adventure. I walked down to the New York Highline which is a park built on an old tram line and has amazing views, a relaxing vibe and was the perfect place to stop and eat the disgustingly healthy breakfast I had stopped to grab at the hotel (natural yogurt with berries and granola if you're interested).

The 'Welcome' party Google threw on the first night had a candy floss station and naturally, Dan, Phil and I took advantage of it. The candy floss was, er, flossed (?) onto glow sticks which just made the whole process all the more special in my eyes. 

Maddie took this picture on her Polaroid camera at the Welcome party I think. I love those boys. I always feel so much calmer and safer on a trip if I know Alfie is there. He is a little bugger and teases me far too much but when push comes to shove, he's there to take care of me. 

The gang at Tao, an amazing restaurant right by our hotel that we went to the first night. If I wasn't so worried about getting poorly (seriously, every single time I go to America I get an upset tummy. I don't know what it is about their food but my body hates it), I would have eaten SO much more. It was delicious. 

Another view from the highline. I think the Empire State Building might be my favourite. 

Third Row. Left to Right. 

This is the outfit I wore to the first annual YouTube Summit, (which was INCREDIBLE). The skirt and Jacket are from Primark, vest and bag from H&M, scarf and necklace from Accessorize (a gift from my Auntie Judith), shoes from Monsoon. Grace Helbig said, 'You look like Malibu Barbie', so that made me really happy. 

You guessed it, another view from the high line. If you have the chance, go!

The lovely boys and I just before we took off to fly out there. I made it to check in by minutes and was so so so glad to be on that flight!

My friend surprised us all with a helicopter ride. I cried. It was a lot. I like heights. Oh man. 

At a real life Yankees Game. When I found out we were going I kinda thought it would be one for the boys, yanno, something Alfie and Joe would love but something that I would just smile along with. As it happened, I loved it. I was just sat in my little chair with yum junk food, the sunshine on my face, great company to chitchat too and I was just so weirdly relaxed. I'm a happy person but I'm not always a relaxed person so it was a real treat to feel so chill. 

Bottom Row. Left to Right. 

On my actual birthday night, I had a team Gleam dinner with Maddie, Clare and these boys. I love them a lorra lot. 

Maddie and I at the Yankees game. GO YANKEES!

As part of the Creator Summit, David Blaine came to do a talk about finding a skill that connects with people and being the birthday girl, I went up on stage and did magic with him. I say, 'did magic', but what I mean is be totally overwhelmed by how amazing his tricks were and die a little on the inside with joy. 

Did I mention I went on the high line hahaha?

With Dan and Phil after Brandcast, moments before I took the sparkle shoes of painful joy off and replaced them with my snazzy little fold up flats. Yeah buddy. 

And there you have it, four amazing days in twenty (I think) amazing pictures. Hope you enjoyed!!



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