Motivational Monday || Chances

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you're in the UK, Merry Bank Holiday Monday to you- no work, woohoo!! If you're somewhere else, regular Merry Monday to you!

This week's Motivational Monday is a follow up on last week's (here), where I talked about letting go of control and allowing other people in. 

So, it's one week later and I'm home from my New York Adventures and, crazytowns, I had the best week. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say perhaps the best week I've had in years. I was completely out of my comfort zone, had no sense of bearings, my schedule was totally in the hands of Drew and Maddie and I did things I would never have done if I hadn't just let go of control. I'm not sure I could do that all the time, but for those three days, I'm glad I took a chance on the notion. 

I vlogged all the fun for my Sprinkle of Chatter youtube channel so I won't go into too many details but I'll give you the emotional roller coaster here (the vlogs will just be a blur of me being over happy haha). (Is there such a thing as 'over happy'??)

Before I left I very clearly said to Maddie and Drew, 'Don't tell me anything, just surprise me', which a couple of days later I lived to regret when I begged Maddie for clues and details and she wouldn't give me any. 

I started to panic. What if I didn't like the surprise? What if I felt too far away from the hotel? What if I got so worked up I was sick? What if I was sick in public? What if I got lost?

To add to that underlying panic, interspersed in our little chitchats, they would say, 'More surprises planned!'. Argh!

And then, it was travelling day and I almost missed my flight. My taxi got stuck in traffic and I made it to the check in desk with only minutes to spare and a heart rate that was through the roof. In that moment I realised how fearful I was that I would miss the flight, miss the trip and miss the surprises and loveliness. On the plane I had a chat with myself (in my head, otherwise that would have looked reeeaalllyyy weird to other passengers) and reminded myself that sometimes in life you have to take chances. At the time they can feel really scary or you can be unsure if they are the right choices to make but that's the thing about chances, you don't know how it will work out, it's a risk. Taking risks is brave. They say, 'fortune favours the brave'. Do it. 

The week was a whirlwind. It wasn't just the one surprise, it was multiple. Some of them were work related goodies and a couple were just sweet birthday things. If I had not taken the chance on letting go of control, I would have regretted it and I would never have allowed myself those lovely experiences.

Sometimes, doing a really new or uncomfortable thing is actually the key to having a really amazing thing. I realise 'letting someone surprise me for my birthday', isn't quite the same as, 'quitting your job and following your dreams' or something of that ilk, but to me, it was a biggie. 

This year I'm going to take more chances. I'm going to be braver. I'm going to let myself enjoy life a little bit more. 

Sometimes those chances will end in failures and sometimes I'll get hurt but I'm ready for that. I think the good will outweigh the bad and I'm excited for it. 

Will you join me? Will you allow more chances into you life? Are you already that person? Tell us about it in the comments. 



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