Motivational Monday || Control

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday! As this post publishes I will be on my way to the airport to attend a Google event in New York City. Oh my I feel flashy writing that!! 

I'm going to New York (for a Google event) with a mixture of fear and excitement. I've been to the Big Apple twice before. The first time was fine, very fast, not really a moment to stop and see anything and the second time was frankly, a disaster. I found the entire trip overwhelming and felt very much like I was on my own, even though I was surrounded by friends. I ended up throwing up and spending the rest of the day feeling very, very shaky. I talked about it here


For a good few weeks I told everyone I would never go back to New York and that it was awful. So, with that in mind, what I'm about to say is going to sound entirely cray cray. Are you braced?

I'm letting my friend plan a surprise for me in New York. I'm giving someone else complete control whilst I'm in a place that is so far out of my comfort zone I don't even know if I won't vomit. And I like it. 

Say whaaaattt??


So, story time,  I hosted my American pal Drew last weekend whilst he was over on business and made sure to show him the most Englishy things I could think of (cream tea, the country side, rickety old pubs etc) and then it turned out that since we would both be in New York at the same time AND it will be my birthday, he would show me some nice places on his side of the ocean. Neat huh? In a fit of madness I said, 'Don't tell me anything, surprise me!'. I don't know why I decided to do that, I usually hate surprises, but this is my year to be brave and push the boundaries of my comfort zones somewhat. 

And there we have it. Only him and my Manager Maddie (who is like an extension of my brain so I know she won't let me go too wrong) know what I'm doing in my free time this week and I'm just letting it happen. 

It's REALLY scary not having control but I tell you what, it's REALLY liberating once you tell yourself to let go. My advice for you this week is to let yourself let go just the tiniest bit. If you're like me and you like to have 1000% say over everything, this will be a tricky concept but I think if you can even loosen the grip 1%, you will feel joyful for it. 

I know there is a risk that I won't like something or I will freak out in the new environment but I also know that I'm smart enough to solve most problems and have enough cash to jump in a cab back to my hotel at any point. 

I hope you will join me this week in letting go of things just the teeniest weeniest bit and that next week we can catch up. I'll tell you the surprise and you tell me what you did to allow control out, and joy in to you lives. 

I'm excited!! Are you?



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