Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Merry Monday to you! I hope you are feeling positive for the week and looking forward to a fresh start and a new chance to achieve all your goals.
I chose today's motivation after I was inspired by something that happened in church last week. I know religion isn't everyones cup of tea so apologies if this is a bother to you. I'm never preaching, only sharing my own experiences. I was sat in our service and our vicar was talking about how God loves every one of us. This is something I've heard before and often felt to be quite a sweeping statement. How can anything love 7 billion people all at once? That's a LOT. Our vicar went on to say that God says he knew each of us when were were in the womb and has a plan for all of us, that he cares and loves about us all as individuals and a collective.
I don't know if it was the happy feeling I had from the sunny weather or something more special but in that moment, I just felt very loved. I felt very secured and very content with everything. It was a very snuggly sort of peace that washed over me, just because someone told me I was loved.
I tell my little girl I love her about a thousand times a day but sometimes as an adult, you aren't told you are loved often enough. I think I needed telling.
So this is me, telling you, I love you. I'm not God (if I was this blog would be a LOT better!) and I didn't know you in your Mother's womb (that would be really effing creepy of me), but whoever you are, I'm sending you a little chunk of love and warmth from my heart to yours. I am fairly sure that it's a good sort who read this blog and I so often feel your love and support that I wanted to reinforce that I am always, always sending it back out to you too.
I hope you have a fantastic week and that you continue to feel motivated and happy each day through it.
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