Motivational Monday || Jealousy

Aloha Sprinkerinos,

It is Monday. A fresh start, a new chance. All those things you messed up last week? Don't worry about them, you have another shot doing things better and I know you will.

Today's image from Pinterest was chosen because it's something I remind myself of allll thhhee timmme!!! Lately I've found I remind myself less and I think it could be because it's finally sunk in. Woohoo for positive reinforcements!

I think that we as women (and hello men if you are reading too) are naturally conditioned to compete with each other. One of my earliest memories is being told by a teacher to, 'sit nicely like Natalie' and suddenly I thought, 'Natalie sits better than I do, Natalie is better than me'. It stuck. When you look, there are SO many moments in our lives when we compare ourselves to other people and feel less. 

We don't need to do this. Just because someone is doing well, doesn't mean you are doing badly. If your friend gets a promotion at work which includes and increased salary, yours isn't going to be decreased. You didn't do badly, she just had a success and soon it will be your turn for a success as well. 

This week, if you know someone that has good news or does really well at something, be happy for them. It's not a reflection on you and if you work hard, you'll be having people be happy for you too. Don't begrudge or resent, share in their joy and spread even more positivity around your world. 



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