Playtime with Darcy

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

If you've read any of this blog before, you will know that I love me a list. Like seriously, I freaking LOVE writing a good list. 

With Spring in the air and Summer fast approaching I thought I would share a few of the things I like to do with Darcy round this time of year that I know she enjoys too. 

This is the first year we will get to enjoy our new decking in the sunshine (it was completed in Autumn last year after all the good weather had left us dagnamit) so we plan to - 

Race toy cars.
Play make believe in the wendyhouse.
Plant flowers or veggies in the flower box (that currently has only weeds and pinwheels).
Eat outside for every meal!
Try some new craft projects. 
Colouring (I want to order some adult doodle books to enjoy too).
Make good use of the trampoline.
Have friends over, big and little. 
Install a lot more outdoor lights so I can sit out at night. 
Have the paddling pool out. 
Pick flowers (if we manage to grow any!) and make posies for the neighbours. 
Sweet sweet evening cuddles in the beanbags with netflix on. Bliss. 

What makes you excited for this time of year?



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