Motivational Monday || Happy

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday to you. It's been a big few weeks round here with projects being finalised, birthdays and trips to London, but I thought I would get back to normality with a Motivational Monday. 

I have spent a big portion of this last year regularly reminding myself of all the things I'm happy about and finding that it really truly does boost the spirits. 

This Monday I am happy for -

How docile my kitties are. Not once have they bitten or scratched us. 
The work I have been getting done lately and how good I feel for it.
Darcy's excellent behaviour. She is such a sweet girl. 
How wonderful the Sprinklerino community have been this past few weeks.
Chocolate Easter Eggs- need I say more??
Finding makeup you forgot you had. 
Being sucked into new Netflix series. (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt!)
Handbags that never get scuffed.
Spring fashion. Floral, floral, floral!
Waking up early and feeling smug that you can get ahead. 
Long bubble baths with Lush products. 
Green thai curry with brown rice from Pod. 
Phone calls with my girl friends. 
Cocktails with lychee flavours in them. MmmmMmm. 
Discovering new blogs that you love and back reading every post. 
Going outside and feeling the sunshine on your skin. 

If you have the Monday grumps, take a moment to write a list of all the things that make you happy at the moment. I guarantee it will lift your mood and give you that extra pep in your step to get you through the day!!



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