Not Worth Watching || YouTube

Aloha Sprinkerinos,

In case you are strictly a blog reader who never ventures onto YouTube (do those people exist?? Are there people out there who actually aren't addicted to YouTube?????), I thought I would share my lastest main channel video with you here too. Yippee. 

Last week I filmed a very impromptu video with my good friends Jack Howard and Caspar Lee. I was meant to be just going into the Gleam office for a meeting about the next Amity Tour (oh me oh my those plans are getting VERY exciting!!!) and then Caspar asked me to be in a quiz video he was making! I was supposed to be seeing Jack later that night so dragged him along with me and this silly little video was born. 

I'd quite like to do a well planned video with Caspar soon because I really do think he's one of the funniest boys I know as well as the sweetest (but shhhh, don't tell him I told you that!), so if you have any ideas, let me know!

Enjoy the video!! If you have trouble playing the embedded link, click HERE to be taken directly to YouTube for it!



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