Baby Style || Pretty In Pastels

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Since I haven't done an Baby OOTD since THIS ONE in February, I thought it was about time I did another. I tell you what though, making a toddler stand still for long enough to focus your camera is about as easy as solving a problem like Maria (hope you get that Sound of Music fans). In summary, photographing a tot is hard! I'm obviously not going to force her to do it so we're gonna work with what we've got.

Baby Fashion

This photograph was taken at Easter outside our church and is what she wore to the service. We don't always dress up too fancy but since it was a special occasion (good old Jesus rising again etc- don't go mad at me for having a religious moment please), we made an effort. 

Pink Hair Clip - H&M
Cream Vest Onsie - H&M
Mint Cable Knit Cardi - Primark
Pink Bow Tutu - Gifted from Marie
Cream Tights - H&M
Baby Blue Sparkle Pumps - Next

I tend to steer Baby Glitter's wardrobe towards pastels because I think they suit her and she's such a little girlie girl that she is happy to wear them. Oooohhh ggaawwdddd I love dressing that kid!

As you can see, all of Darcy's clothes are from highstreet stores (except the gift) and I think they look amazing. If you have the money and you want to go designer then yay, but for us, we love a good bargain! We look in stores, supermarkets, charity shops, consignment fairs and boot sales for clothes and often find absolute gems. 

I will do more of these Baby Style posts as and when the kidling permits me to get a good shot of her. 

Where do you shop for children's clothes? Do you secretly wish you could wear that cardigan too? I know I do!



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