Aloha Sprinklerinos,
I've actually already blogged today (scroll down why dontchya) but I wanted to give you another quickie- ooer.
I bought this palette a few weeks ago from ebay as a treat for my new Step Sister Hollie and now that she has opened it, I managed to take a quick snap.
This is a ten piece blusher palette and Hollie is thrilled. She hasn't used it yet so I'm not ready to comment on it's quality but based purely on price (£3.49 inc p&p), looks and size (big but slim), it seems like a total winner.
I think this is ideal if you are looking to have all your blushers in one place or if you are starting out and building up your collection, like my little sister is.
This isn't a review, but me letting you know about affordable beauty products that might tickle your pickle. Tickled pickles are what we're all about round here. Ew, that sounds really wrong!
If you would like to check this beauty bargain out for yourself, click HERE.
This month my Ultimate Advertiser is Barbie and Pie. If you would like to find out more about advertising on this blog, click HERE.
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