Three Is Not A Crowd

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I think there might be something in the air at the moment. Maybe it's because it's Spring or maybe because Darcy is officially not a baby anymore (I decided 2 was the cut off point), but a LOT of people in my personal life and my Sprinkle of Glitter life have been asking, 'When will you have your next baby?' and I don't know how I feel about being asked that.

Family of three
(If you haven't tried a chocolate cream frapperchino with a shot of peppermint from Starbucks yet, you haven't lived. Also, how tranquil is this little spot we like to go to? B-e-a-utiful)

On one hand I think, 'ooohhhh I suppose it's natural to ask since I have a toddler and a husband and am blessed to be physically able to have another (I think)'. But then on the other hand I think, 'why are you presuming that I would want to increase my family size and why is it any of your business whether my Husband is going to impregnate me with his sperm?!?'. Yeah, that just got graphic. 

A lot of my friends are in the 'we want multiple children' camp, some already do and some have buns cooking in ovens as I type. For them I am pleased. Brave are the woman who push a human out of their nether regions and then opt to do it again. Selfless are the women who happily change nappies for years and give up their sleep. I really do admire them.

For me though, at the moment, I'm not there. I'm not saying I've entirely ruled out the prospect of more little glitters, but right now, I'm enjoying my life.

I enjoy being (for the first time ever) financially stable and able to support Darcy. I enjoy the little luxuries we now have. I enjoy that she sleeps through the night and I enjoy my job that I can give a lot of myself to. For me, at the moment, I feel like three is the perfect number. Matt and I get to spend so much fun time with Darcy, we get to do fun things as a couple because she's such an easy kid to babysit and I get to spend enough time writing this blog and filming my videos. At the moment, everyone is a winner.

So lovely Sprinklerino, next time you think about asking a woman when her next baby is due to come ripping shooting down the birth canal, have a think about how welcome your enquiries are going to be. Just because it seems like the norm, doesn't mean it will be. Some people (shock horror) have no desire to procreate at all and some, very sadly, simply cannot. I know that people ask about babies because they are so lovely (the asker and the baby) and I know this is a bit of a ranty post, but that was just my two cents. It's very rare that I get a bit extreme on this slice of the net but today I did. Maybe I need some chocolate crispy cakes and a bath haha!

What do you think on this matter? I bet you all have a lot of opinions on this!



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