Motivational Monday #10

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

We're at number 10 of this series! Yay! I think this is the longest I've ever stuck at a regular feature so big fist pumps from me. 

As always, a great big Happy Monday. I hope this week is going to be brilliant for you all. You deserve it. 

Motivational Monday

This quote from Pinterest (originally from Little Women I believe) has really struck a cord with me.

Last week Matt was away on a business trip, as was my Dad. The most important men in my life and most prominent support network folk were out of the country. I was alone. For the everyday task, this is no big deal. But when a truck smashed into my parked car (Darcy and I were inside thankfully and the truck driver was fine), I realised I had to deal with this myself.

I know to a lot of people this is just a simple task of swapping details and making the calls but to me this was a big hurdle. I never do this kind of thing. I have always been looked after by my Dad and then these kind of tasks were passed onto Matt. 

So, like the dingbat I am, I went out into the street, looked at my smashed up car, burst into tears, freaked out because I couldn't reach my Dad or my Matt and then dealt with it. I exchanged details with the other driver, I located the folder with our insurance paperwork in, I called the insurers, I called the police, I called the car hire people, photographed the damage and I liaised with the garage. I took down reference numbers, I confirmed security questions and I organised recovery truck pick up times. I coped. I accomplished. I was proud.

The lesson in this is a good one. Life hurdles (the storms) will happen in your life, you cannot avoid them. Do not fear them. Wait for them and be prepared. You can cope with anything and you can deal with anything. There is no need to run from things, no need to panic in the face of them. You are able. It's alright to ask for help or take a little bit of time to do things, but in the end, if you want to, you will learn how to sail your ship and you will be so proud. 

It's the start of a new week so go and sail your ships and enjoy the waves, you can do it so beautifully if you try.

Have you dealt with any storms lately? Share and inspire in the comments. 



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