Aloha Sprinklerinos,
It may surprise you to know that for the last 6 or 7 months I have been pretty tense. It's hard to explain but I feel like a lot is on my shoulders and that if I relax or let go, something bad will happen. Without yammering on and on, I'm learning to let go of the stresses and focus on what's most important- enjoying the little moments of life.
With that in mind, Darcy and I have taken to playing outside in our PJ's, just because we can.
I've been enjoyed our daily pj-garden-tea-party quite a lot more than I anticipated. There's something really soothing about unplugging from internet stuffs, feeling the fresh air and listening to a two year old babble away.
There's no real point to this post today, just a 'hello, I like to share my feelings on my blog sometimes' kind of a dealio. Hope you don't mind. Also, no face shots today, we both look a mess and I decided not to spend time messing about glamourising for the sake of a few quick pictures.
Do you ever feel under a lot of pressure to have a perfect life? What do you do to combat those feelings? Do you think things like Pinterest and blogs add to that pressure?
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