Motivational Monday #12

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday to you my little's early. 

Motivational Monday

Today's quote (from Pinterest) made me laugh and nod so I knew it would fit well with today's motivational blog post.

It is my belief that with the right attitude, tactful words and an open heart, you can get on with just about anyone. Note, 'just about'. 

Sometimes though, people are just total arses (pardon my french) and you don't need them in your life. I'm not talking about the girl who is mostly OK but occasionally makes a little dig at you or the friend who is always late or always cancels, those are foibles and traits you can accept, forgive or work with. I'm talking about the person who drains you of any happy thoughts, the person who makes you feel continuously small, the person who deliberately humiliates you in order to feel better about their own life, or the person who isn't willing to communicate properly with you despite your best efforts.

If you have tried all your first ports of call (talking, being kind, offering the hand of friendship, explaining your concerns maturely etc) and hit a brick wall, let it go. 

You won't and can't be friends with everyone for the entirety of your earthly days, if you do, I tip my virtual cap to you good sir. It's alright to let relationships die (if done nicely) and it's OK to say to yourself, 'I don't like him/her, I'm not going to spend time with them'. You don't have to be rude or horrible, simply let them live their life and you can live yours. You're not a failure (and nor are they), you are just making a healthy choice for your life. It's OK to walk away. It can be very liberating. If you feel it worthwhile (99.9% of time I do), leave the door open so that you can walk back or reach out to them.

I'd like to ask you to use this advice with caution and look back at last week where we talked about not rushing into our reactions. Both done badly and you're going to burn a lot of bridges!

I'd also like to clarify that this post isn't about a specific person or people that I have an axe to grind with, I just liked the quote and thought it was worth discussing.

What do you think? Have you ever walked away from someone who sucked? Are you glad you did or do you wish you hadn't?



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