The Husband Tag

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I was pleased to see last week how many of you said they enjoyed the video update routine we have going on here. Sometimes, if I'm feeling kerazzy, I add in another Wednesday too- I like to keep you on your toes.

This week I had a special guest on my channel for 'The Husband Tag'. No, not my husband. My Fusband! Mark is mine and Matt's good friend and is married to Clare (also our good friend). Since Matt isn't keen (yet) on being in videos for long periods of time, Mark kindly offered to be his stand in for me. A minority of people have asked if our spouses (Matt and Clare) mind and the answer is 'absolutely not!'. I think they'd mind if we jetted off on an exotic holiday or started a torrid affair, but making a couple of funny YouTube videos and then all having a takeaway and laughing until the small hours together is fine. Just thought I'd put that little fire out now!

It was so much fun making this video and from the comments, it seems that Mark is quite the hit with you too.

This Sunday I have a much, much more serious video to go up, quite different from my latest vlogs.

What sort of videos do you watch most on YouTube? If you are struggling to view the embedded link, click HERE for my channel. 



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