Motivational Monday #11

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Since I started this feature, I have had so many messages saying how much you enjoy it so to those of you who have gotten in touch- thank you, I'm glad to see positivity multiply. 

And again, Happy Monday to you all. Monday's are not a day to dread but a day to embrace as they are the start of something new and a chance to wipe the slate clean and try again. 

Motivational Monday
Today's Motivational Monday (taken from HERE) is one that rings very very true with my personality type.

Sometimes in life, a situation is thrown up at us that invokes immediate emotions and makes us want to share how we feel straight away. A colleague at work could bait you with a derogatory comment or a friend might say something that really riles you. It is natural to want to respond in kind and let them know how you feel.

It would be fair to say that in some circumstances that would be the right action. It would also be pretty fair to say that in a lot of cases, it's not the most efficient. To clarify 'efficient', I mean that it's not always the quickest way to a solution and it's not always the most gentle way either. I believe in gentle. 

Throughout my life (just like you), I've had situations where I have wanted to scream at somebody or I have had someone do something crappy etc. Over time I have developed a bit of a coping mechanism. Do nothing for at least an hour. Unless it's like a life or death grab-someones-hand-before-they-fall-off-the-cliff dealio (which with my weak arms I'd be rubbish at anyway), there is no need to go all guns blazing into something. Take a moment, gather your thoughts, weigh up your options ad consider the consequences. Will you feel so angry tomorrow? Will the anger just throw up a new problem (name calling and swearing are not easily forgotten)? Is there anyone you could talk this through with before you get all-up-in-their-grill? (I'm so down with the lingo).

What I'm saying today is, if this week you find yourself in a stressful situation, take a tiny bit of time to move away from it, assess it and then react. You don't need to do it instantly. More often than not, by giving yourself that space, you will make a much better reaction and the situation will run a lot more smoothly, resulting is a happier life for you. And we all want happy, right?

Is this something you might try this week? If you do give it a whirl, come and tell me in the comments if it worked!



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