A London Workday

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I am fortunate enough to be able to say my hobby is my job. 

From time to time, I hop on the train and wizz off to London for 'work things'. I use the tern 'work' very loosely because frankly, it's far too fun for it to be called work. I'd happily (and did for two years before mummyhood) do it for free!

Saying that, I thought you might like to come along on one of my work days. I'm a little cross at myself though. I was a bit of a wimp and didn't take photos of out and about things because I felt a bit self conscious standing on my own with my massive camera. I'm going to do another of these posts later in the year and will try harder.

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

The day started with an unexpected treat. Just as I was standing in the station cafe picking up some breakfast I heard someone ask for a, 'quite milky tea please' and knew instantly it was my friend Jess. It turns out she was off to London for some museum visits with her charming step daughter and gorgeous son Oliver.  He was such a merry little soul and loved being on the train, it was such a pleasure to share my journey with him. 

My first stop was to spend a few hours with an editor as I wanted a little bit of help with this Sunday's video and then it was play time!

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

I was invited by Bourjois to take a peak at some of their new products for this year and I must say, they were absolutely delightful! I have already tried the blue nail polish and was so impressed. It applied easily and beautifully and lasted longer than the average drug store nail polish. I will probably do a post on some of my favourite products from the goodie bag soon. 

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

Whilst I was at the event I sat with the oh-so-glam-in-hats Jennifer and Amelia who kindly added me to their group and let me chitchat with them.

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

Slight swoon over the original blush posts. Vintage loveliness right there. 

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

After way too many macaroons, it was time to pop into an event by Garnier to showcase their new Perfect Blur Smoothing Perfection Primer. 

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

I never usually get excited for this kind of thing but truly, I was impressed by this too! I don't have a full sample to show you but I will be heading off to buy one (rrp £12.99) as soon as I have the chance because I was pleased with how it minimised my pores, even over 10 hour old makeup. It seems like it would be the ideal top up product for when you're on the go. 

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

Excuse the slightly weary looking face, it had been a long day!

Working from home | Blogging | Sprinkle of Glitter

And then, before I knew it, it was time to head home for baby, baths and bed!

I really do feel incredibly blessed to have the job I do and am loving everything I have the opportunity to do these days. Whilst I don't attend to too many events, when I do go, I'm a happy camper. 

I hope you don't mind that this isn't a family style lifestyle post (have you noticed we've been having lifestyle posts every Friday?), but this sort of thing is a big part of my life too and I wanted to share. 

What other kind of lifestyle posts would you like to see?



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