Motivational Monday #15

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday one and all. Let's look ahead to the great week we are all going to have.

Motivational Monday

I chose 'Focus on What Matters' this week because it is something I have been doing a little more lately and have been absolutely loving.

Our lives are packed to the brim with STUFF. Jobs, partners, parents, children, housework, paperwork, grocery shopping, social lives, wishes, holidays, days out, days in, good moments, sad moments, celebratory moments, literally EVERYTHING. 

With all that going on, it can be really hard to see what's important and what's just 'life fluff'. For example, I often feel really pressured to have a clean and tidy house in case a visitor or neighbour pops by because I don't want to be judged as scatty. So, even though Darcy wants to play with me, I set her down with an activity and leave her to it whilst I get on with house chores to alleviate this self afflicted pressure to be perfect (which I never achieve anyway). What's important here? Making sure my surfaces are shiny so my Auntie doesn't think, 'Ooh some crumbs' or playing with my child? It's obvious right? Only when we're in the thick of things, it isn't. The lines of what importance's can become blurred and we miss the point.

This week I have some homework for you. In the comments, share with us 3 things that are MOST important to you. Once you have written them here, spend a few minutes thinking about why they are most important, what your life would be like without those three things and what you are going to do to focus your efforts a little bit more on them. The things don't have to be particular people like your spouse or parents, they could be 'Helping the planet more/spending more time at church/focusing on eating more healthy food/giving myself a break/putting more money in my savings account' etc. They just have to be things that MATTER. 

I think that once we focus a little more on things that matter to our lives, our sense of well being increases, we feel more satisfied with our lives and thus, more motivated to achieve what we set out to and be happy. And let's face it, isn't happiness the ultimate goal?



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