Motivational Monday #13

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday everyone! Did you have good weekends? I had another weekend of birthday celebrations which is always a winner.

Motivational Monday | Sprinkle of Glitter

Today's Motivational Monday (from HERE) is self explanatory and chipper. 

I think we've talked about this before but happiness is infectious. You will know from when you have spent time with a really positive, bubbly person that you have come away feeling all the better for it and with a little more joy in your heart. Well, be that person for someone else today. Give a little joy.

I'm not suggesting jumping up on your desk and doing the cancan, but what about a friendly smile and a 'how was your weekend?' to someone who looks like they could use a bit of friendship? Or how about gladly making someone a cup of tea without them asking or hinting? Tiny things like that take such little effort but the effect of them goes so far- it's 'happiness efficient' if you will!

So today, see if you can do two or three happy things for someone else that you know will spread the joy. I'm going to text a friend to say I'm thinking about her, put my neighbour's bin back for them when the men have emptied it and ask the man who runs the corner shop how his day has been (and be genuinely interested in his answer- no point faking it). Little things, big results. 

What about you? What will you do?



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