Aloha Sprinklerinos,
I was going to save this for next week because I felt like I should do a beauty review but really, bronzer over baby? I don't think so!
Yesterday Darcy and I had nowhere to go and no intention of getting out of our pijamas so spent the day playing inside. Since her cot is downstairs at the moment and she's using my office as a place to sleep (she sleeps better in there because of the blackout curtains) there is a little unused nook in her bedroom.
It was all very spur of the moment but we decided to build a cosy little den and read some books together. For the 'Mummy Mafia' out there, she was supervised every second of the game and fairy lights are obviously not something she usually has so close to her.
Pretending to be asleep, complete with tiny 'snore' noises.
All we did to make this was open up the clothes dryer, drape blankets on top, lay the giant duvet on the bottom and bejewel with ornaments rose lights and, most especially, my wedding veil.
I have my veil displayed in Darcy's room so it was to hand and since she wasn't left alone at any point, I felt OK with it being part of playtime. If you are planning to make this more of an independent activity I would definitely not advise using such precious materials!
Darcy thought her den was the bees knees and stayed in there for about 40 minutes- long in toddler terms!! I just know we're going to make more of these round the house as she grows so I will be sure to share them with you too.
What were your favourite childhood games?
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