Huge Spring Primark Haul

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

I love Primark. I have loved it for years- dare I even say, since before it was 'cool'? 

I tend not to do a quick 'pop in' shop to Primark and prefer to save up, wait until they have replenished stock and have a big spree about once every 3-4 months. If I'm honest, it's more like every three but I want to cut down and make it just a seasonal thing.

My favourite branches are Liverpool (four stories and a brilliant shoe & bag section), Manchester (although seems to get really messy really quickly) and Milton Keynes (it's brand new and shiny). I'm not keen on either London store but I think that's because I always travel by train to the big smoke so the thought of taken a few big Primark bags on the train gives me shivers. I have also visited the Northampton and Birkenhead stores but thought they were pretty average. I have heard the Bristol branch is great. A little summary for you there! 

My favourite thing from this haul was the emerald green pleated maxi skirt which I am wearing as I type. I have only had it a matter of days and already worn it four times. I think it might become that piece of clothing that I wear to absolutely everything- it's love for sure.

What is the best thing you have ever bought from Primark? 



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