Flamingos and Floaty Skirts

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Last week Darcy and I pootled off on an adventure to Coton Manor Gardens with my Auntie Rose, or 'Wose' as Baby Glitter calls her. 

In a nutshell, Coton Manor is a gorgeous ye olde house with the most beautiful gardens you have ever seen- and I'm not even an outdoors kinda gal. With secret ponds and water features, statues, windy paths, herb gardens, ornamental birds, pigs, horses, bluebell woods, and a stable yard cafe, it's just idyllic. 

As you walk around, the animals just wander free like something out of a film. You can stand right next to flamingos, have afternoon tea with a parrot and watch as a mummy mallard and her tiny ducklings scuttle passed your feet. Darcy thought it was all brilliant. 

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

Coton Manor Gardens

I didn't think I was going to be that bothered by the place and partly just agreed to go to take an interest in my Auntie Rose's pursuits but I'm SO glad I did. It's so easy to be swept up in the hustle and bustle of life and work and chores, but to step away for an afternoon and wander around a peaceful, tranquil place where everything seems so relaxed, was just bliss. 

The other part of deciding to go was because I thought it might make an interesting blog post for this week's Friday lifestyle feature so I suppose I have you lovely lot to thank. If I didn't have this blog and hadn't starting doing a weekly lifestyle thing then I might've missed out.

I think this is a lovely place to go with people or on your own with a book or just to sit and contemplate a little. It was like a mixture of The Secret Garden and Alice In Wonderland. 

Have you been here or anywhere like it before?



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