DIY || Spray Painted Wicker Basket

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's no secret at all that I like things in muted tones and pretty looking. I know shabby chic is just sooooo 2010 but frankly, I don't care. Throw me a bit of distressed wood and lace and I'm yours. 

How To Spray Paint Wicker

How To Spray Paint Wicker

How To Spray Paint Wicker

How To Spray Paint Wicker

How To Spray Paint Wicker

How To Spray Paint Wicker

We'd had this wicker basket floating round for a few years and I liked the shape too much to throw it out during my current 'get rid of crap' phase. I decided that the only way it was staying was if it were usable and so project make-the-wicker-white-and-think-of-a-better-project-name-next-time came about. 

This was probably the easiest craft project I have ever done in my life. 

How To Spray Paint Wicker

Using a damp cloth, clean the basket.
Allow to dry.
In a well ventilated and protected (you don't want spray paint everywhere!) area, hold the can 30-50cm away from the object and spray evenly.
Leave to dry (I left the basket outside for a good few hours).

My spray paint was bought from hobbycraft. Just read the label to see what kind of materials it is suitable. This said yes to wood so I went for it. 

Easy peasy! My basket still has that 'new paint' smell but I think in time it will fade. Overall, I'm really happy and think I've caught the spray painting bug! Watch this space!!



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