A Most Marvellous Place To Shop

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Last weekend Matt and I took out Darcy and some cash (not both from the cashpoint I hasten to add) and headed out to our local vintage superstore. I say 'superstore' but what I mean is- a big old brick warehouse sort of building that has been converted into a shop where individuals can rent out small areas of space to fill with all sorts of treasure and customers can purchase at a central till. Does that make sense?

If you live in Northamptonshire, it's called 'Most Marvellous Place To Shop' and is situated on Abington Square opposite the Jaguar garage. Parking is limited so expect to park in the near by multistory.

We had only intended to buy some interesting glassware for a new blog feature I have coming up, but we couldn't help not explore every nook and cranny. Darcy thought she was in treasure land. Although I will say, a toddler in a room full of antique china can produce some pretty tense moments!

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter
Little hands finding little joys.

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter
Despite Matt being hidden by a smudge and Darcy looking away, I LOVE this picture. It perfectly captures the moment. 

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter
I can't decide if this orange tea set is so amazing or so rancid?

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter
Trolls! I used to have so many of these!!

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter

A Most Marvellous Place To Shop | Sprinkle of Glitter

We left about £70 lighter with over 20 vintage glasses, 3 vintage jugs and 2 other mystery items which I will feature in a future post.

I'm really excited to use all my glasses and had so much fun poking around and seeing what there was out there. Matt loved finding all the comic book and robot stuff and Darcy was just over excited for the sheer amount of things to look at!

This is definitely the kind of place I could go every weekend and is a really unique place to take friends from out of town. Next time Thrifty comes to stay, I'll be sure to take her- she'd LOVE it!

Have you ever been to a place like this? If so, share the name and location so we can look out for it next time we're in that area!



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