Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Last weekend I had a super family friendly day but the week after it was adults and sophistication all the way!

Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall
Dress : Asos Curve | Jacket : Primark | Feather necklace : New Look

Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall
My chum Clare : Liverpool. Heh heh, see what I did there?

Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall
Since I don't like tea, I was served hot chocolate. The greatest hot chocolate I have ever tasted. 

Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall

Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall

Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall

Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall

Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall
Extra normal faces there then.

Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall
Steel hanging chair selfie!!

Afternoon Tea at Fawsley Hall

My great chum Clare (my 'Fusband' Mark's beautiful wife) and my Husband Matt treated me to champagne afternoon tea at Fawsley Hall in rural Northamptonshire. Whilst we were there I took quite a few photos. Once home I cried because I realised most of them were ruined because I had my exposure set way too high. I'm dramatic like that. Fortunately, not all was lost at sea and lots of them turned out fine, I think I was just having a tearful moment, haha. 

If you ever have the opportunity to visit the hall and the grounds, take it. It really is a beautiful place to go and is made all the more beautiful by the people I visited with- nawww. The food was gorgeous (even for a picky eater like me) and the surroundings lovely. Whilst we nibbled and drank (the rather intoxicating bubbly!) we were serenaded by a real life violinist. It was like something out of Downton Abbey but with less corsets and more denim. 

All in all, top marks to Mark and Clare for taking me somewhere so lovely. It was really refreshing to have an afternoon away from children. I know, that sounds so harsh, but very occasionally it's nice to be completely adult and enjoy a sophisticated hot chocolate and a sandwich with the crusts cut off ;)

I'm absolutely loving writing these Friday lifestyle posts as it encourages me to photograph the my adventures and then I can always remember them. Plus, you lovely lot are able to come along on the fun too!

Have you ever been to somewhere like this? Do you have any suggestions for me and everyone that reads the comments? Share, share, share!



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