25 Father's Day Ideas

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

With Father's Day fast approaching I am looking for fun, unique and thoughtful ways to show my Dad and also Matt (from Darcy) just how much I love and value him.

I thought that whilst I navigated the journey of six-million-different-suggestions-on-the-internet you could come along and maybe find a little inspiration too. 

25 Father's Day Ideas | Sprinkle of Glitter blog

25 Father's Day Ideas

4. Write your Dad a letter telling him what he means to you.

5. Finish/Do things in the home that he would usually do.  (ie. Take the load of him a little)

6. 'Dad' shaped sugar cookies. Woah. 

7. Personalised jigsaw (perfect for little hands to help with).

8. Amazing chalk art Dad photography (this is SO cool!)

9. Have a star named after him, for being your star (vom haha). 

10. 'Dad' photo letter blocks- under £15!

12. Create and name a cocktail after your Dad. Serve it with delicious snacks. 

15. Have a picnic style lunch/dinner with only his favourite foods, no matter how mismatched!

18. Have him come home to freshly baked brownies- the house'll smell amazing too!

14. Arrange a day trip to somewhere he wouldn't normally treat himself to. 

15. Track down an early edition of his favourite book. (A toughie)

16. Etched glass with a picture of you and him in it. Love this. 

21. Sounds obvious but- treat him to dinner. Homemade or restaurant. 

23. Make a video montage from your home movies or a slide show to music of your family snaps.

24. Personalised mouse mat. (I did this for my Dad 2 years ago, he still uses it)

25. If all else fails, do what my Sister does every year- a nice bottle of whisky. I don't know if our Dad loves this or just humours us every. single. year. Haha. 

Will you be doing any of those? Do you have any ideas you'd like to share? I'd love to hear them!



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