Aloha Sprinklerinos,
A little while ago I had a lovely dovely super duper house guest- Thrifty from AThriftyMrs.
My wonderful little northern chum came down to stay and have a bit of a holiday. Since we both run blogs, it was a hot topic to us so we spent a lot of time together planning new features, taking photographs and discussing the best ways to do things. It was a lot of fun.
As well as 'worky' things, we took some time out to visit a quaint little village nearby called Olney. Olney is full of charity, gift and cutsie homeware shops so perfect for an afternoon mooch.
I absolutely adore those kinds of shops where you don't know what you are going to find, where each nook is a potential treasure trove waiting to be explored.
Amongst her many talents, Thrifty is also a charity shop expert and knows all the tricks of the trade so was it was brilliant to have her with me for tips and help. I usually go in charity shops and find nothing but Thrifty uncovered some gems for me to add to my collection of 'things I don't need but certainly want'.
I don't know if it's a 'getting older' thing or if I've always been this way, but sometimes there is just nothing better than wandering about sweet, quiet places and nattering with a chum. We plan on making quite a habit of it.
If you haven't already, do go over and follow Thrifty's Blog. She writes about fun easy ways to save money and ways to enrich your life without spending a fortune. She is a fountain of knowledge.
Have you ever been to a cutsie village like Olney? What did you think of it?
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