30 Day Snap #10 | Moon, Mouse and Church

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Confused as to what The 30 Day Snap is? Read THIS to be in the loop and join in.

Wedding Anniversary Ideas

Yesterday was our friends Mark and Clare's first wedding anniversary and so we celebrated artistically with chalk. They call each other 'Moon' and 'Mouse' (long stories) and so that explains the doodles. We ended up instagramming this and then texting, 'Check Instagram, Happy Anniversary'. We also bought them a card and had a celebratory dinner with them but I feel like the above picture is more fun. Nobody wants a close up of chinese takeout, no matter how delicious.

It was lovely to sit with them and chat about the year that's been (it honestly feels like just yesterday I spilt a vodka lemonade down my pink silk dress at their wedding, ho ho) and plan trips for the future. With Matt's 30th coming up this Winter we're a-buzz with ideas. 

We are so thankful to have Mark and Clare in our lives and living so near, they are both rays of sunshine. 

Baby Glitter at Church

In other news yesterday I had another round of playing Stressful Momma. It was a hoot. Not. I took Darcy to church and thought, 'oh lovely I'll take some really nice pictures there on my little snappy camera and perhaps some of round the building'. No. Wrong. 

Darcy was in no mood to stand still for more than a nanosecond, there were millions of people about who obviously wanted to use the path, my camera allowed 4 pictures before it died annndd I was late. Good times.

The above was the best of the bunch, it's not brilliant but it's true to life at least!!

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