Grey Skies and Vintage Books | Lifestyle

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

It's Friday, which means Great Big Lifestyle post. Hurrah!

Last week Matt and I visited some old friends in Market Harborough who I hadn't seen since my school days. I talked more about that HERE. I knew I wanted to take snaps but thought I would see if my little compact point and shoot camera would be up to the job of Friday Lifestyle standard photographs. It turns out, it wasn't. 

I carried on regardless and tried to make the best of a grey day with a camera not up to the job I wanted it to do, but ultimately I regretted not taking my big girl Canon 600D with me. It's big and heavy but it really does have much better results. You live and learn I guess. I'm looking into buying a pancake lens so that it's that little bit less chunky to tote about so I'll update you on that if it happens.

Pity party over, let's crack on with the visuals. 

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

Day out in Market Harborough | lovelifestyle2015

After we left our friends we spent about an hour mooching about at a moochy pace. Market Harbourough is a lovely little village packed with charity, second hand book and arty shops. I'm an absolute sucker for vintage books and am growing quite the collection for Baby Glitter's nursery. I look forward to doing a tour of that soon for my YouTube Channel!

I'd love to say this was a perfect, wonderful, everybody smiling morning but it just wasn't. Darcy waved her brushes (latest obsession) round like crazy and hit her own face twice, the weather was a bit grim and really, we wanted to get home and retreat a little. 

I toyed with the idea of painting this lifestyle post as a magical experience but then that's not really lifestyle is it? Sometimes life is sparkles and butterflies and sometimes it just is grey weather and squarky kiddies. That's alright. By lunchtime we were right as rain and Darcy was tearing round the back garden sans lethal hairbrushes and the sun had come out- hurrah once more!

Have you had any days like this recently? Where you expected amazing and came out with average? Comment them and console me! Haha x



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