30 Day Snap #13 | Cardboard Creations

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Confused as to what The 30 Day Snap is? Read THIS to be in the loop and join in.

Fort Building with Toddlers

You'd be quite amazed how much fun you can have with a cardboard box and a bit of imagination. If Darcy will stay still for more than half a second I plan on taking some proper pictures of our creation with my big girl camera. 

For now though, here's a sneak peak.

Sidenote - How are you all enjoying this challenge so far? I'm feeling a bit worried. My life isn't all that thrilling and so I'm concerned you might be tiring of so many 'homey' shots. The 'big things' that I do are reserved for vlogs or lifestyle posts so I think the next 2 weeks might be more Mummy/Baby/Household glimpses. Is that alright? Reassure a wobbly blogger please haha! 



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