30 Day Snap #30 - COMPLETION

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Today is the last of the 30 Day Snap and I have mixed emotions. 

I'll miss reading all your comments and stalking through (don't lie, you do it too) everyone else's entries but I must say, I'm looking forward to having a little break. Not a proper one, I'll still be posting everyday, but only once, not twice.

What have I learnt from the 30 Day Snap?

Well, I've learnt that it was a much bigger challenge than I thought it would be. Remembering to take my cameras places and actually taking a snap of something worthwhile, editing, uploading, and publishing was a bigger job than I anticipated. 

I didn't evolve my photography skills like I thought I would. I was so focused on taking a snap of something that represented my day that I stayed in my 'safe zone'. I will find new ways to improve my skills. 

This community IS a community. By doing this challenge and seeing who else is taking part, I have found a much bigger network of inspirational women and made new friends. That alone was makes it worthwhile. 

That I really do heart the small things. I've said it before but this challenge has only confirmed it. I had big days in London, went to parties, hosted parties, took road trips and saw a lorra lorra friends but I chose to focus on the ordinary and 'mundane' little bits of life. It's those things that I like to see of other people's and they are the aspects that I cherish most. To me, wandering down to the corner shop to buy sweets with Darcy is no less of an event than going to Google HQ to party in the YouTube space- both of which I have done in the last 4 weeks. 

Most of all I have learnt that Life. Is. Good. I have easily found something happy to photograph each day and I have been blessed with big ol' heap of brilliant memories. 

Did you take part in the 30 Day Snap? Whether you did it for a day or you managed the whole 30, let me know below. If you didn't, what have you enjoyed about this challenge? Or will you be glad to see the back of it haha?

Let's chat in the comments!!

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