30 Day Snap #20 | Spreading Happiness

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

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Panda Cake Pops

A crappy iPhone picture today. So much for expanding my photography skills haha.

I've noticed on (my personal) facebook recently that one of my neighbours has been having a rough time. Nothing major but just a few little statuses that didn't sing happy happy. The day before yesterday Elemis sent through a box of 3 panda (think panda eyes) cake pops. We kept one for us, gave 2 to her delightful kiddies (and Darcy's new besties) and picked her a bunch of flowers from the garden. I say 'bunch' but I mean Darcy helped select about 7 stems before getting bored of that game.

We trundled over, Darcy's sweaty little hand ruining the petals and told her we'd noticed she'd been down and hoped she felt better soon. 

I haven't chosen this snap today to show off or gloat, but to point out how easy it is to spread a bit of happiness. That entire thing took about 5 minutes and was free. Is there anything little you could do to make somebody smile?

If you are taking part in this project, tell me below! What have you done today?



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