Motivational Monday #18

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Merry Monday one and all. Go forth and live happy weeks.
Motivational Monday

Today's quote from here is one I try to live by.

When you feel grateful, you feel less jealous of what other people have, less greedy for more, and satisfied with what your life already offers you. Satisfaction is peaceful and happy and that's the mindset I aim to have the majority of the time. 

It's beyond easy to wake up and grumble. It's too early, you have to commute to work or school, you have too much to do, it's cold, it's hot, you're hair isn't working with you (I feel that pain), your payday is far off in the distance, the list goes on. 

Instead, why not wake up and mentally run through the things you are grateful for? Have you woken up next to a loved one? Are you lucky to be in employment when so many are striving for jobs? Are you working towards a qualification that will only better your life? Is your hair really that bad? Are you lucky enough to have plenty of hairbands and products to help tame it's wild ways? 

Think about it. Are things really that bad or do you actually have a heck of a lot going for you? When you start looking at things in this light, life feels a LOT better. 

I'm grateful that I live a life where I can make my own goals and have the freedom to try and achieve them. What are you grateful for today?



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