Aloha Sprinklerinos,
If you follow me on Twitter or watch my secondary YouTube Channel (Sprinkle of Chatter), you might know that a few weeks ago, Matt and I had an amazing day at Warner Bros Studios visiting the Harry Potter Tour.
We weren't paid to attend or to vlog/blog about it but we were given the day free of charge. Just thought I'd be transparent about that. I remember when I started this blog I thought it was amazing that bloggers were sent samples of beauty products. Now, I'm going on spectacular days I feel like I'm living the dream! I'm so grateful for the opportunities this blog and my channel have afforded me and really I have you to thank for them, because without your readership and support, there would be a lot less of this loveliness. So, Thank You. You are so very valued and thought so very highly of by both me and Matt.
Zoe + Dobby = Twins.
On to the photos!
A glamorous moment at the station.
My Crookshanks cat. Man I love cats a lot.
In the films I didn't notice the details on the tableware, like curly handled forks or hogs head jugs.
Crackerjack who plays Crookshanks. Little fact for you- he wears kitty extensions. To make these his carers brush him as you would any Persian cat, collect the hairs, rough them up a little to make them look wildy and make tiny hair pieces. They are then attached with pussycat friendly glue and voila, extra crazy haired cat ready for his close up!
Zoe + Dobby = Twins.
The Gang!
From left to right :
Matt - Husband, Daddy, light bulb changer, nerve calmer, drink fetcher, provider, biggest fan and best friend.
Me - You know the score.
Zoe - Best chummy, Phone chatter, skype companion, infectious laugh, conker head.
Maddie - Always smiling, accessorises beautifully, organises amazingly, lovely gal.
Katie aka 'Snooksie' - Not called 'Snoozey', spunky, bloody loves mentos, hangs out with Brad Pitt (seriously).
Lucy - Supports more than she knows, kind hearted, hardest worker ever, blogger, vlogger, internet knowledged goddess.
Alfie - Nandos lover, caring, sharing, Darcy's bf, YouTube obsessive, suitcase panic saver!
Joe - Thatcher, funny, cheeriest chappy, sloth impersonator, snapchat genius.
Jim - Giant ball lover, master vlogger, spideyfan, snitch enthusiast.
Tanya - Makeup artist extraordinaire, cookie baker, skater skirt lover, all round sweetiepie.
I think you can see from the photos what an AMAZING day it was. Funnily though, it wasn't the props and displays that impressed me the most though, it was the staff.
If you think you are a potterhead, you're not. They. Know. Everything. Every little details about every little scene of all the films and all the books, they know. They were more than happy to answer any questions you have and to discuss all the things you want to chat about- for me, it was the differences between the books and the films because I'm ocd like that. For us, they made the experience.
Matt and I have decided to revisit the tour at the end of this month because we loved it so much and want to be total geeks and read all the signs and watch all the videos they have playing as you walk round. We may even take our wands.
If you would like to explore their official website, click HERE.
Phewf that was a longie! What do you think? What is your favourite Potter moment in either the books or the films? Let's be nerds in the comments! Squeee!
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