Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Hap hap hap hap haaappppppy Monday! Do you have big plans this week? I do.
If you cast your mind back, February, March and April were crazytown busy for me. I am a person that likes 'busy' but that kind fo busy was the kind where you realise you have no clean knickers because you've had no time to do your laundry kind of busy. By the time my birthday rolled round I was exhausted. I was burnt out and fraught so did something rather luxurious. I took things slow.
I had a proper think about which projects were essential, which were de-stressers (this blog keeps me calm), which were unnecessary and which were just for fun. Anything that didn't serve a direct purpose (ie. To pay bills, make us happy or create a worthwhile memory) were ditched. I halved my trips to London and I said no to a lot more things. It felt great! I stopped fretting over whether I was missing out and looked at what I was gaining. Quality time with Darcy, a happier relationship with Matt, a deeper kind of self confidence and moments to stop and appreciate what I have.
Now, I'm not suggesting you quit your jobs, loose your friends, trash your house and go live in the forest with nature (unless you like that kind of thing), but I am suggesting that today you make a little list. Is there anything in your life that you are doing for no real reason? Are you doing things purely because you feel obliged or because you feel socially pressured to? If you don't go to that party of a friend of a friend will it really be a big deal? Do you actually need to schedule a meeting for something you could do over Skype? Could you order your shopping online and spend that time watching a film with your boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/pet?
Think about it. Don't cut out people and don't skimp on work you must do, but do streamline your life a little. You'll feel like your brain is decluttered and everything feels that much easier.
I'm all about easy. It leads to happy.
Share in the comments one thing that you could cut out and what you could do better with that time? Even if the 'better' is sitting doing nothing :)
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