Aloha Sprinklerinos,
Twenty weeks of motivational posts. Crikey me! Are you getting bored yet or shall I continue with another ten?
I found this quote on Pinterest but it's original source is THIS Etsy shop which is so cute- I'm tempted to buy it framed so that I can hang it in my office- I'm a sucker for mint.
I chose this quote today because sometimes we all need a little reassurance.
Having the job I have (blogger/vlogger) has a lot of perks. One of those perks are that I am invited to attend a lot of press events which are dressed up as 'parties'. They offer you a couple of complimentary drinks, host it in a lovely setting and it's perfume and heels all round. Except delve a little deeper and it's brands trying to woe you in the hope that you will feature their product on your site. Nothing wrong with that, they are often a pleasure to attend but it's important to see them for exactly what they are. If I were to accept all of them, I'd be back and forth to London, constantly buying new outfits to wear, sipping champagne with the glamourous beauty blogger gals and going home with a lorra lorra goodie bags. Sounds amazing right?
Yes, it is, I'm not ungrateful I assure you (seriously, I'm like a kid on Christmas morning on the days I do choose to go into the big smoke!). However, along with all that sparkle and fizz, I'd be missing out on days and days of Darcy time, I'd hardly see my husband, my laundry would pile up, my friends would be neglected, my garden patio would miss me and I'd spend a lot less money on crisps from the corner shop (I suspect I keep that shop in business). What I'm saying is, Should I take excitement and glamour over a calm, mundane but incredibly loving life? I think, no.
It's OK to believe that crazy and wild aren't always the way and the light. Sometimes a calm life is lovely and should be valued more highly. I'm sure had I been in a different season of life I would opt for busy/exciting but right now, I'm content. I like my lot.
I shouldn't have to explain myself or give justifications for why I chose calm over crazy, I shouldn't have to have someone tell me it's OK, but I do.
So, if you are looking for someone to tell you it's OK, it is.
If you prefer to spend a night in with a take away rather than dancing the night away in a club, that's FINE. If you decide you'd rather not pack 50 things into your morning, that's FINE. If you choose not to 'spill the beans' with your gal pals because you know it'll cause drama, that's EVEN BETTER!
As long as you are happy, not harming anyone and still doing all the things you NEED to do, it's OK to live a calm life. I'm enjoying mine so much. I spend a lot of time at home and it's my ultimate happy.
What do you think? Do you ever feel obliged to do things when all you really want is a good DVD and your duvet? Are you ever made to feel boring when all you want is to spend quiet time with family? Let's chat about it in the comments and be calmies together!! Haha.
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