30 Day Snap #23 | London IMATS & Twitter Cheats

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

Confused as to what The 30 Day Snap is? Read THIS to be in the loop and join in.

*Holds hands up* Today I'm cheating. I went to the IMATS yesterday but in all the fun and excitement, took not a single photo- so unlike me!! I did however vlog it so I will share that on here when I upload it at some point. 

I didn't want to miss a day so I asked on Twitter if anyone had any pictures of me that they wouldn't mind sharing. I have screenshotted WITH twitter handles in view so that a) the snapper is credited and b) you can go and chat to them if you would like. If you were one of the lovelies that shared a photograph- thank you ever so much, I really appreciate it!

During the day, as well as shopping and meeting lots of beautiful Sprinklerinos, I talked on a panel with Ruth Crilly, Vivianna and Caroline Hirons. A deep part of me wants to talk on panels with them every day because they are also so easy to get on with, intelligent and sparky. Also, Caroline may well have made me never want to use a face wipe again for the rest of my earthly day!!

Two other snaps from twitter that I couldn't not include :

A giant Skype call with Aflie, Jim, Tanya, Zoe, Tyler and the coolest twitter cartoon person ever. I don't know why this amused me as much as it did, but it did.

Baby Glitter's potential bf? So cute!!

Hope you don't mind the slightly unusual snap choice. Normality returns tomorrow!!

How have you been getting on? Who else's 30 Day Snaps are you enjoying? 



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