Minibreak Makeup

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

In May Matt and I were treated to a rather amazing stay at The Grove Hotel in Hertfordshire. We had spent the day enjoying the Harry Potter Studios Tour and then Warner Bros sent us off to a gorgeous hotel to spend the night. To add the cherry on the already well iced cake, our rooms were upgraded to mansion suites. Oh my giddy aunt!

I will do a full review of our stay but until then, I wanted to share something beauty related with you.

Travel Makeup Bag Contents

Travel Makeup Bag Contents

I knew we would be having an overnight stay and knew it would be pretty easy going so I felt no pressure packing my makeup bag and in my relaxed state, missed nothing off my list- woop! Usually when we go places I'm planning activities, deciding on all the things Darcy will need and getting myself in quite the tizzy! This time though, plain sailing. Hur-rah.

Since you all love beauty products as much as I do, I though you might like a looksie at what I took. I will happily hold my hands up and say I overpacked but if you can't go a little overboard in a luxury hotel, when can you? I didn't need two mascaras, nor did I need two Mac Paintpots but everything else was used and I felt really nice. I know that sounds like a dumb thing to say but you know when you just feel good about yourself? Well that.

I don't walk round with my head held low and disliking myself, but it's not everyday a woman looks in a mirror and thinks, 'yes, I look really nice'. I don't know if it was the break from mundane habits, the luxury surrounds or my well stuffed makeup bag, but I felt brilliant. More weekends like that please!!

My absolute favourites from this bag are :

Mac Paintpot in 'Vintage Selection'. Described on the website as 'frosted dirty peach'.
YSL Shocking Mascara.
Soap & Glory Lid Stuff in 'What's Nude?'. 

If there is anything here that you would like a full individual review on, I would love to hear it in the comments or if you have any questions, please do feel free to ask them and I'll do my best to answer helpfully. 

What are your top overnight essentials?



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