30 Day Snap #24 | Stay At Home Working Mummy

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

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Another iPhone snap today- grainy as granary bread (oooh good one, not), but I likes it. 

It was either this or a park shot and I felt like this summed up the behind-the-scenes-ness better. This was me writing my Amazing Advertisers post yesterday, with no bottoms on (it was early) and a bed-head PJ clad baba playing next to me. This is pretty much what every single morning of my life looks like and I love it. 

In other news, as you may have guessed from the potty, we are introducing Darcy to the concept of using it. Thus far she isn't keen so I thought if I kept it in sight it would make the idea less shocking for her. Essentially, this morning my lounge was an office, toilet and playroom. The joys of being a stay at home working mummy!

NB- Blogger hates me today and won't centre all my text. It makes me want to shout at the screen. Gr. 

How have you been getting on? Who else's 30 Day Snaps are you enjoying? 



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