30 Day Snap #5 | Grumpy Toddler

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

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Grumpy Darcy

Yesterday (I'm working a day behind) was one of those days. I let Baby Glitter wear her favourite clothes and she cried, I got out all of her toys and she cried, I took her for a little walk and she cried, I took her to see my Grandma and she cried. There was nothing wrong but she was in one of those 'I don't know what I want so I'll cry'. 

At one point, we nipped to the corner shop to buy some nappies, everything was fine, I was starting to think things were looking up and so I said, 'Shall we choose some nappies?' in a singsong voice AND SHE CRIED!! The whole thing ended in me carrying a pack of nappies and a heavy toddler home for a well needed nap! 

We all have days like this, I think children just vocalise them more. Ooof. 

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