My Beautiful Liverpool

Aloha Sprinklerinos,

A couple of weeks ago Matt and I took Darcy to Liverpool to see family and enjoy our favourite city. Liverpool is where I found my happy self (to clarify, life was very volatile until I left home at 18 to attend university, which is where I finally felt free and joyful), where I met my most stable group of friends and where I found my wonderful husband.

I owe a lot to that city. It often gets talked down but if you ever have the chance, take a weekend to explore it and try not to fall in love. You'll struggle.

Whilst we were out and about on one of the days, I took a few (ahem, a lot) photographs with my big girl camera. I wish, wish, wish my canon was lighter and smaller so that I could take it everywhere with ease. I'm looking into buying a camera bag disguised as a handbag so that I can tote my machine around more. Until then, it's days with the buggy or husband only haha.

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 Yep, tiny people up on a big sheer hole. Cool, non?

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 Darcy showing Daddy her new handbag from Monsoon Kids.

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Little LouiseFact for you here. Ever since I was little, drinks with bubbles and ice and all things nice have excited me. I love watching them the way people like to watch giant tanks of tropical fish. I kind of get sucked into a bit of a dream world of magic. Something that you drink being a different colour each time and having tiny spheres of gas moving about and rocks of solid freezing ice in it? Blows. My. Mind.

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Things that shouldn't be. Like floating gold boxes stuck onto old brick buildings.

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See all those buildings over in the background? I used to live over there. Live, socialise, study, everything. A huge mess of brilliant exciting memories. The path Matt and Darcy are walking down is one I used to walk every day when I was 18 and living not in the buildings you can see. I could never have envisaged coming back years later and having my Daughter walk the very same paving slabs as me. It's funny what life brings to you.

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A young me used to sit on these steps with my girlfriends. Now an even younger Darcy sits there with her Daddy.

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The Natural World Museum is a must for exploring hands and interested minds. It's free but asks that you donate at your discretion.

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Birdseye view of Liverpool One, my favourite shopping area.

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What a day!! I'm SO glad I documented it because so many of those moments could have been lost. It was one of those days where you feel you are in the right place with the right people and feel completely safe and protected. I'm the type who feels very easily unsettled so it was great to feel so at ease for so long. 

I'm hoping we can fit another weekend in before the Summer is out and I can photograph more spots for you. I am also working on a vlog from the trip for Sprinkle of Chatter

I also wrote an Outfit Of The Day (OOTD) post for the clothes I wore that day, which you can see HERE

What is your favourite city in the world? Tell me why you love it and why someone should visit it. We can be like mini travel agents in the comments today! 



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