Aloha Sprinklerinos,
A new week, a new start and new chance.
I don't know about you but I'm a thinker. My mind is constantly running over ideas and hopes and worries and memories. I over think perhaps. I also dream big. I spend a looooottttta lotta time dreaming of things I want to do.
I want to paint my garage, I want to grow this blog in a million ways, I want to buy new sofas, I want to teach Darcy letters, I want to have date night with Matt, I want to make gifts for my friends, I want to do projects with my sister. I dream up all these things and take an absolute age actually bloody doing them!!
My goal this week is to DO more things and THINK about less!
I think that by doing the things we think about we will reach a level of satisfaction and feel more motivated to do more. That to me is happiness and that's what Motivational Mondays are all about.
So, what are you going to do more of and think less of this week? I love reading your comments on Mondays.
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